If you do not pay your balance, have financial aid in place, or are not previously enrolled in a payment plan by August 8, 2011, your classes, housing assignment, and meal plan will be voided. This means your classes will be dropped and you will be removed from your fall housing assignment.
In order to AVOID the VOID, make sure you take care of all fees before the payment due date.
If you are removed from your housing assignment, you will not be able to reregister for classes until August 22, 2011. Once you are able to reregister, you will need to reapply for housing, submit proof of classes, and pay all fees before housing can be reassigned. You will need to visit the Housing Office in 103 Bibb Graves or call 256-782-5122 to re-claim a housing assignment.
Please note: University Housing and Residence Life can neither guarantee your previous assignment will be available nor can the department guarantee any housing assignment.
If you reregister for classes and fail to reapply for housing, your account will be charged for housing.
For additional information, please contact University Housing and Residence Life at 256-782-5122.
It's Great to Live in Gamecock Housing!
-JSU Housing Staff